The rough carpentry is more or less done, the roof is on, the windows installed. Siding and cladding people are staging, and HVAC, plumbing, and electrical work inside is ready to begin.
This round of photos is all nuts and bolts - images of the exposed framing inside. If that kind of thing gets you going then there are more photos after the link below.
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Plans for the two story version of this house design are available through the Better House Plans catalog page. Remember, this design is offered at a much lower price than the rest of our plan collection. Check it out.
We are working an interesting modification of aPlat House 3plan that will include a screened side porch. This is an easy modification to the standard Plat House design in either the2or3bedroom configuration.
You simply extend the side overhang rafters to a new beam, and create your screened enclosure wall. This is a plan mod that we can do for you, or you can work through this easily with your builder. In fact one of our customers from Arkansas did this very thing to make a screened porch off the master bedroom of their home.
We've had Philip Johnson on our minds for the past few days, first because of a tour of the Glass House on Thursday and then because of an open house held by the Damoras, who have put the Johnson-designed house that they own in Bedford, New York, on the market.
The Damoras held an open house yesterday. It was a busy event that featured a talk by John Johansen, a chance to see the house, and an exhibition of some of the late Robert Damora's terrific architectural photos. You can see more details about the house here.
Our tour of the Glass House was fantastic. One of our guests, an architect from Munich, told the tour guide that it was the best architectural tour she had been on anywhere.
We were there on Thursday, a warm, sunny late afternoon, spring turning into summer. Our guide emphasized that Johnson was a landscape architect as much as an architect of buildings, and the land was as beautiful as the buildings. A small part of the property is maintained as lawn but most of it is meadows, copses, streams, stone walls in a near-natural state that present different textures, shadows and shades of color where ever you look. It was a beautiful way to spend a late afternoon. We thank Christy MacLear and the staff of the Glass House for accommodating us.
The photos here are of the Glass House from above, showing the swimming pool; the living room; the painting gallery; two shots inside the sculpture gallery, with its incredible shadows; and the Glass House from slightly downhill. - ta
Plans for the two story version of this house design are available through the Better House Plans catalog page. Note, plans for this house design are a bargain. We offer house designs like this one which are not part of our other collectcions at a much lower price. Check it out.
[BAGUS] 10 Alasan Wanita Enggan Berjilbab dan Bercadar !
1. Jilbab tidak menarik. Jawabnya seorang wanita muslimah harus sudi menerima kebenaran agama Islam, dan tidak mempermasalahkan senang atau tidak senang. Sebab rasa senangnya itu diukur dengan barometer hawa nafsu yang menguasai dirinya.
2. Takut durhaka kepada orang tuanya yang melarangnya berpakaian jilbab. Jawabnya adalah Rasulullah SAW telah mengatakan agar tidak mematuhi seorang makhluk dalam durhaka kepada-Nya.
3. Tidak bisa membeli pakaian yang banyak memerlukan kain. Jawabannya, orang yang mengatakan alasan seperti itu adalah karena (pertama) ia benar-benar sangat miskin sehingga tidak mampu membeli pakaian Islami. Atau (kedua) karena dia Cuma alasan saja, sebab ia lebih menyukai pakaian yang bugil sehingga tampak lekuk tubuhnya atau paha mulusnya bisa kelihatan orang.
4. Karena merasa gerah dan panas. Jawabannya, wanita muslimah di Arab yang udaranya lebih panas saja mampu mengenakan pakaian Islami, mengapa di negara lainnya tidak? Dan orang yang merasa gerah dan panas mengenakan pakaian Islami, mereka tidak menyadari tentang panasnya api neraka bagi orang yang membuka aurat. Syetan telah telah menggelincirkan, sehingga mereka terasa bebas dari panasnya dunia, tetapi mengantarkannya kepada panas api neraka.
5. Takut tidak istiqamah. Mereka melihat contoh wanita muslimah yang kurang baik ‘Buat apa mengenakan jilbab sementara, Cuma pertama saja rajin, nanti juga dilepas’. Jawabannya adalah mereka mengambil sample (contoh) yang tidak cocok, bukan wanita yang ideal (yang istiqamah) menjalankannya. Ia mengatakan hanya untuk menyelamatkan dirinya. Dan ia tidak mau mengenakan jilbab karena takut tidak istiqamah. Kalau saja semua orang berfikir demikian, tentunya mereka akan meninggalkan agama secara keseluruhan. Orang tidak akan shalat sama sekali karena takut tidak istiqamah, begitu pula puasa dan ibadah lainnya.
6. Takut tidak laku kimpoi, jadi selama ia belum menikah, maka ia tidak mengenakan jilbab. Jawabannya, adalah ucapan itu sebenarnya tidak sebenarnya. Justru berakibat buruk pada dirinya sendiri. Sesungguhnya perkimpoian adalah nikmat dari Allah yang diberikan kepada siapa saja yang dikehendaki. Sebagian besar orang audah meyakini bahwa jodoh di tangan Tuhan. Betapa banyak gadis yang berjlbab dan menutup aurat dalam berbusana tetapi lebih cepat mendapatkan jodoh dibandingkan mereka yang berpakaian seksi. Karena wanita yang menyukai pakaian seksi akan dijadikan permainan bagi laki-laki iseng.
Gadis-gadis berpakaian seksi dipandang sebagai gadis murahan. Sesungguhnya suami-suami yang menyukai wanita-wanita yang berpakaian ‘berani’, setengah bugil atau beneran, membuka aurat dan bermaksiat kepada Allah adalah bukan tipe suami yang baik, yang shalih dan berjiwa besar. Ia tidak punya rasa cemburu sama sekali terhadap larangan-larangan Allah dan tidak dapat memberikan pertolongan kepada isterinya kelak. Jadi jika wanita yang menyukai pakaian seksi atau melepaskan jilbab dengan tujuan mendapatkan jodoh yang baik, maka hal itu sungguh merupakan suatu kebodohan.
7. Menampakkan anugerah tubuh yang indah atau ingin menghargai kenikmatan yang diberikan Allah kepadanya. Jawabnya menghargai atau bersyukur itu dengan porsi yang benar. Bersyukur itu dengan mengahrgai perintah-Nya, yakni menjaga aurat, bukan dengan mengobralnya.
8. Belum mendapat hidayah, jilbab itu ibadah. Jika Allah memberi hidayah, pasti kami akan mengenakannya. Jawabnya, Allah menciptakan segala sesuatu itu ada sebab-sebabnya. Misalnya orang yang sakit jika ingin sembuh hendaknya menempuh sebab-sebab bagi kesembuhannya. Adapun sebab yang harus ditempuh adalah berikhtiar dan berobat. Sebab orang kenyang karena makan, dsb. Maka demikian pula orang yang ingin mendapatkan hidayah itu harus menempuh sebab-sebab datangnya hidayah yakni dengan mematuhi perintah-Nya mengenakan jilbab.
9. Belum waktunya. Sebagian ada yang berkata bahwa mengenakan jilbab itu harus tepat waktunya, misalnya karena masih anak-anak atau masih remaja. Ada yang akan mengenakannya jika sudah tua. Atau jika sudah menunaikan ibadah haji. Jawabnya adalah alasan mengulur-ulur waktu itu hanyalah sebagai sekedar dalil pembenaran saja. Itu sama artinya dengan orang yang menunda-nunda shalat, menunggu sampai ia berusia tua. Apakah kita tahu kapan kita akan meninggal dunia? Sedangkan mati itu tidak mengenal usia, tua maupun muda.
10. Tidak mau dianggap sebagai orang yang mengikuti golongan tertentu. Jawabannya, bahwa anggapan ini karena dangkalnya pemahaman terhadap Islam atau karena dibuat-buat untuk menutupi diri agar tidak dituduh melanggar syari’at. Sesungguhnya di dalam Islam itu hanya ada dua golongan, yaitu golongan Hizbullah, golongan yang senantiasa menaati perintah Allah dan golongan Hizbus Syaithan, yakni golongan yang melanggar perintah Allah.
Untuk mengurangi makan berlebih banyak orang minum air terlebih dahulu sesaat sebelum makan. Sebaiknya hilangkan kebiasaan itu, jika ingin minum sebelum makan lakukanlah satu jam sebelum waktu makan.
Mengonsumsi air terlalu banyak tepat sebelum makan memang membuat Anda kehilangan nafsu makan karena lambung menjadi penuh. Tapi minum air sesaat sebelum makan akan membuat proses penyerapan makanan oleh enzim menjadi lebih sulit.
Karena air yang diminum butuh waktu 30 menit mengalir dari lambung menuju usus. Sehingga jika minum sesaat sebelum makan, belum sempat air menuju usus sudah ditambah dengan makanan yang membuat enzim bekerja lebih sulit.
Profesor Hiromi Shinya MD, pakar enzim yang juga guru besar kedokteran di Albert Einstein College of Medicine AS, seperti dikutip dari karangannya, 'The Miracle of Enzyme', Sabtu (20/2/2010), menyarankan agar minum air putih dilakukan 1 jam sebelum waktu makan.
Seperti halnya tanaman, menurutnya ada periode yang baik untuk minum karena pengairan yang berlebihan pada tanaman akan membuat tanaman menjadi busuk dan layu. Sehingga ada periode waktu yang sesuai untuk tubuh minum air.
Cara ideal untuk mencukupi kebutuhan air untuk tubuh adalah:
Readers of the blog may have notice a new look for the header here. Its all part of a total redesign of our Modern House Plan catalog.
Yes, its been long coming. Believe it or not our House Plan Catalog is nearly 8 years old. That's getting long in the tooth for a web site, the likes of which seem to churn a new look every few years. The truth is we've just been too busy to attend to this, and in the face of newer web sites vying for your attention it had gotten a little stodgy looking around here.
The new site maintains the structure of the old site. What that means is if you had bookmarked your favorite house, then your bookmark will still work - takes you right to the current page for that house design. We have A LOT of incoming links into our catalog, and until we can fund a more comprehensive re-invention of the website with the sophistication to maintain those current links, we elected to work within the structure already established.
So what's new? Well, at this point we pretty much know what information is important, and what we had that was fill. So we've trimmed the content somewhat, and moved you closer to the house plans. Now when you land at the site you immediately see our customers houses. A click into the Plans page gives you immediate access to all the designs, as well as links you into the useful lists of groups and collections. Once in the catalog you'll find bigger drawings of all the designs, and a nice slide show interface for viewing the images.
And perhaps most important is now we can tell our story about how we and our customers got here. Before the message was "Hey, this is new - you can do this!". But now customers have built over a dozen houses, and we don't have to convince you that this is for real. Now the story is "Hey, we've been doing this, a lot, and now so can you!"
Note that I corrected the date: It's Sunday, May 23
The Damora family, which owns and is trying to sell the first house that Philip Johnson designed on commission, in Bedford, New York, have put together an event to drum up interest: they're holding an open house on Sunday, May 23, from 1 to 5 p.m., and have lined up John Johansen to do a talk and take questions, at 2:30.
Johnson and Johansen, of course, knew each other when they were designing houses in New Canaan, after leaving Harvard. Johnson died in 2005, at age 98; Johansen has got to be nearing 140 by now (that's not actually true -- he'll be 94 next month, although he does sport a Methuselah-like appearance).
If you go, you'll also get a chance to see photos taken by the late Robert Damora, a renowned architectural photographer (that's his photo, above, and you can see more at Walter Gropius, in fact, called him "the best photographer of modern architecture in the country." (Johansen is married to Gropius's daughter, coincidentally.)
I called the event an open house but because space is limited, they'd like you to RSVP, to the William Raveis agent who is trying to sell the house:
The house, by the way, is next to the 36-acre Tobias Preserve, a nature preserve that the organization I work for, Westchester Land Trust, owns. There are no trails but if you go to the Damora house you might want to check out the preserve too. -- ta
What a difference a year makes: this house in New Canaan, designed by Victor Christ-Janer, was listed at a shade under $3.5 million a year ago (it was on the New Canaan Historical Society's Modern House Day tour last May). The property is beautiful, there's a cottage and a garage with an apartment (if I recall correctly), and the house itself is nice though not spectacular.
Now it's being offered at $2,199,000. That's a 37 percent discount, if I did the math right. Is that because of the recession or because of an inflated view of what the house was worth? Probably a bit of both. -- ta
The work officially no longer looks like a pile of sticks. We definitely have a house now.
We have a handful of new photos posted to the flickr set that really shows the house taking shape.
Plans for the two story version of this house design are available through the Better House Plans catalog page. Note, plans for this house design are a bargain. We offer house designs like this one which are not part of our other collectcions at a much lower price. Check it out.