Kamis, 18 Agustus 2005

0242 Plat House Construction progress

The House is there now, in the flesh and blood

All of the elements that comprise the identifying characteristics of this house design are in place now. The leap from the renderings to real life feels more and more plausible!

And as before the new pictures are posted on the Plat House photo set at Flickr. Thanks again to our customers for sharing their progress.

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Selasa, 16 Agustus 2005

IBU dwelling second proposal

a larger 2 bedroom unit may make the profit equation work

This is an alternate utilizing 2 bedroom units of two 20ft modules with in-fill panels.

This configuration requires the existing garage to be removed, but the structure fits without forcing the parking underneath, which means it can still be placed on a relatively simple slab.The bedrooms are quite small, but it would make a fine dwelling for a single, or a couple even with their first child.

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Senin, 15 Agustus 2005

IBU dwelling, first proposal

we have issued our first site specific proposal

This is a mock up of a simple 3 unit mini-tower for an urban site. The neighborhood of single family dwellings is zoned for 4 units making an opportunity for the owner to insert 3 new dwellings in the rear garden.

The compact footprint of the single 40 flat allows it to fit within setback limits, preserve an existing garage, and provide the new required parking.

It will work with zoning, but we are not sure if it will fly with the owner. The profit from the units must exceed the value of the owners backyard - a valuation that only they can make.

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Jumat, 12 Agustus 2005

The Sage Modular is SET!

The modules were set on 12 August 2005

Look Ma - no hands! See more detail on the Sage Blog

past rendering of this side of the house - colors not current.

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Kamis, 04 Agustus 2005

IBU accessories

We will be developing a series of add on accessories for these IBU dwellings

This is the first of what will be a series of simple add ons: a 6ft balcony.

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