Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009

Like useful jewelry for a modern – or any – house

I loathe and despise gutters and downspouts, at least the ones hanging off of our house, marring the otherwise clean lines of the exterior. But, if I had one or two of these ingenious rainwater collectors, I might just stop complaining. Designed by Bas van der Veer, a 24-year-old Dutch designer, the "Drop of Water" transforms those nasty leaders into something both whimsical and practical. The pod-shaped "barrel" is attached to the bottom of a downspout. The bright green insert is a watering can which fills up first, while the overflow is collected in the barrel. The spigot at the bottom can fill another vessel and (probably) attach to a hose.  Not yet in production but somebody's bound to pick it up. Bravo, Bas! Seen on blue ant studio. – GF

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