Kamis, 03 April 2008

What we're reading

I'm enjoying a book called Small Houses, by Carles Broto for many reasons. Here are a few:

Tadao Ando's 2004 4x4 house – look at the glass . . . or don't – just let your eyes pass through it. What must if feel like to be right up against that, looking out and back through the other side? (Too bad for the power lines and sea-side building blight on the non-sea sides . . .)

I love the idea of a passel of kids bedding down in this camp-like setting by Schmidt, Hammer and Lassen.

And this: my dream is to open the sides of the house up to the out of doors, like this house in New Zealand, by Crosson Clarke Carnachan. As my mother says, "Dream on, Beloved!" . . .

Broto also wrote The Compact House which, as Treehugger points out, is not to be confused with The Compact House. which also looks quite interesting.

So many books, no budget to buy! . . . Lucky are we that our library is well-funded and generous in its buying habits! – GF

(By the way, my sincere apologies for the bizarre layout of these posts. Perhaps there is a way to tighten-up the placement of photos and type, but I haven't figured it out. So frustrating for a graphic designer!)

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