Selasa, 15 April 2008

Connecting Modern Preservation Efforts

Modern house tours and local preservation movements are far more numerous in the U.S. than I had thought before we started this blog. There was one we heard about the other day, for example, in Portland, Oregon, called The Street of Eames (although if their preservation efforts are unsuccessful, they might have to change their name to The Boulevard of Broken Eames).

I make a mental note of all these tours and things, and tell myself to start compiling a list, but so far I haven’t. And maybe now I won’t need to, because of this great idea, which I read about in an email from the people at the Glass House in New Canaan:

Modern preservation starts at the grassroots level. The Glass House is compiling, sharing, and connecting modern preservation grassroots organizations and communities across the United States. We will post and share these modern preservation links through a Google map and our website.

And then when you click the link, it takes you to this:

With the idea that modern preservation starts at the grassroots level, the Glass House is compiling, sharing, and connecting links to modern preservation grassroots organizations and communities across the U.S. We will post and share these modern preservation links, through a Google map and our Glass House Connect page, as you continue to share them with us.

The Google map itself is here. It makes you want to start an organization just to be included. -- TA

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