Rabu, 23 April 2008

In the White City – Tel Aviv's new Bauhaus Museum

New to me is Tel Aviv’s “White City,” which comprises a collection of 4,000 International Style buildings built between 1931-1956 designed by immigrant architects trained in Europe who adapted the Modern style to suit Tel Aviv’s culture and climate. In 2003 it was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (Wow - 4,000 buildings? That IS a city!)

A new museum has opened and it's premiere exhibition, opening April 25, includes original furniture, graphics, lamps, and glass and ceramic ware, by Mies van der Rohe, Marcel Breuer, Christian Bell, Wilhelm Wagenfeld, and others.

The museum is in an International Style building owned by the philanthropist Ronald Lauder, whose beginnings were "as a single-story residence in the 1920s; it was enlarged, a decade later, by architect Shlomo Gepstein. By the 1990s, it was dilapidated and largely abandoned, except for the ground floor, which housed a municipal dental clinic."

Read more at Architectural Record's site. – GF

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