Minggu, 16 Desember 2007

Project Outrage

Project Outrage is an effort of The Slow Home site to gather the collective voices that are dissatisfied with the status quo in housing. Collecting testimonials of the experience of individuals in the form of a blog Project Outrage creates a record of evidence which is usually lacking when it comes time to demonstrate to developers and other key housing players that there is a market for other solutions.

Please check out Project Outrage at their site and tell your story. Sign their Declaration:

We demand an end to poor construction, bad design, misleading marketing and environmental neglect in the housing industry. Neighborhoods and homes should be built for people not excessive profits. They should be healthy, vibrant, and not require long commutes. They should uplift the spirit and gracefully fit our needs. We believe that everyone has an obligation to create thoughtful, responsible, and sustainable places to live that leave a positive legacy for future generations.

If writing is not your thing and you have a photo of a development or mcmansion that you hate, then post it to their Flickr Group.

If you are a facebook user Project Outrage has a presence on Facebook as well.

Previously on LamiDesign blog: The Slow Home Project

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