Sabtu, 31 Juli 2004

Porch House Construction Prints dimensions

Dimension lines go down on the plans.

There is a logic to the way the dimension graphics go down. Plan dimensions around the perimeter are in a hierarchy, outside to in. Overall dimensions, then major breaks in the massing, then openings in the exterior envelope, then interior partitions that intersect the exterior walls.

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Selasa, 27 Juli 2004

Porch House Construction Prints sections drawn

Section drawings of the Porch House are complete.

Next the wall section drawings will be blocked out and the notations can begin following that.

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Selasa, 20 Juli 2004

Porch House floor plans & elev's

Floor plans are developed and ready for notations and dimensions.

The elevations drawings are now being brought up to the same level. I'll show something of them soon.

And now the elevations are in a similar state.

on to the sections drawings

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Rabu, 14 Juli 2004

Stock Plans in Boston Globe

The prefab focused article explained our stock plan effort and included several quotes.

Today we were mentioned and quoted in an article appearing in the Boston Globe. The piece by Diane Daniel titled Fab prefab, Dwell magazine leads the rebirth of a modernist movement in housing appeared in the House & Home section today. You never can be sure which things you say in an interview may appear as quotes vs simply informing the content of the articles. I must say that I am pleased with what was quoted and I think it is worth emphasizing. I said "People who buy my plans are regular middle-class people who have slightly different tastes, not some design elite". The writer picked well because this is no small point. The growth of this re-modern movement is due to the appeal it has to people in a wide demographic. People who design has touched some way, and have realized that they can extend the satisfaction that it brings to other parts of their lives - now housing.

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Senin, 12 Juli 2004

Porch House Construction Prints blocked out

The basic drawings for the Porch House have been blocked out.

Plans, Elevations, and Section drawings for the house are laid out, or blocked out as I like to say. The next step will be to begin adding line-weight much as you saw with the Plat House previously. Rather than crops, here are overviews of the four drawing sheets underway.

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Kamis, 08 Juli 2004

Porch House Construction Prints underway

The Construction Prints for the 0376 Porch House have begun.

As I promised, the Porch House is the next design to be completed. Several people have indicated that they are anxious for this house plan so I am going to try to complete it as fast as I can. Right now I am in the process of blocking out the remainder of the drawings - the foundation and roof plans are laid out, elevations too, and I am working on the building sections right now.

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