Jumat, 21 Januari 2011

Rambling about gray on a Friday


Country Living Photo Robbin Stubert


It's, once again, slightly brisk here in Minnesota today. 20 BELOW (actual temp) when we woke up this morning. Brrrr... You would think I would be used to it by now, but I'm really not!
House Beautiful Photo Grey Crawford

Anywho... moving on to gray.

Decor Pad

You've probably noticed that gray is definitely popular right now and I, for one, like it. 

I shared a photo of my newly gray mudroom this week, and did I mention that I love the new color? Ahh, yes. I believe I did. Well, I'll mention it again. LOVE it.
Elle Decor Photo Simon Upton  Paint Benjamin Moore Chelsea Gray

In fact, I love it so much that I'm really wishing I could wave a magic wand and have the rest of the upstairs painted gray as well.
Traditional HomePhoto Michael Partenio

I'm pretty sure the whole magic thing isn't going to happen so I did casually mention to my husband that it really should be painted sometime in the near future. You know. Laying the groundwork.

Since we have an open floor plan which, though not large, has vaulted ceilings it's going to require that we do it together or that we hire it out. In other words, it won't be one of those projects that I can sneak in sometime when he's not home and surprise him - he really loves those so I know he's disappointed! :-)
RMS User Karen Spirit via HGTV

I haven't chosen the paint yet (and I'm quite sure I have plenty of time to do that :-)). Even though I really admire the light, silvery grays in magazines and others homes, when it comes to mine I need something just a tish warmer so that will definitely come into play when I'm choosing...
Country Living

So what's your take on gray? Love it? Hate it? In between?
Traditional Home Photo John Bessler

I had to include this image from Candice Olson because I love how fresh and unexpected this green is. Probably not a color I would gravitate toward for myself, but it does work well in this room, doesn' it? 
Candice Olson via HGTV

This chest reminds me of the DIY silver leaf nightstands that Jenny at Little Green Notebook did. Still love those. I actually did my own silver leaf project recently and I'm pretty sure that what I transformed would not be something you would expect. I'm still missing a little detail, but when it's done I'll take a picture and share it with you.
At Home In Arkansas Photo Rett Peek

I did say rambling, right? :-)

Next week I'll be doing a Paint Series where designers will be sharing their tips on choosing paint and their favorite paint colors, so be sure to come back and check it out.

I hope you all have a great weekend!

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