Senin, 31 Januari 2011

Monday Inspiration and Blogging Success Tips

I have seen so many inspirational blog posts that have come from attending the
Alt Design Summit. I think I better join the forces and attend one of these amazing conferences soon!
I love these tips from Tina of SwissMiss via Design for Mankind
1. Nobody can tell you what’s best for you.
2. Surrounding yourself with smart people is key.
3. Don’t just talk; do it. (If it fails, move on.)
4. Be kind and generous. It comes back to you.
5. Your enthusiasm and integrity are your biggest assets.
6. It is possible.
This list from Erin of Apartment34 is just as thought provoking!
1. Collaborate, collaborate, collaborate
2. Hold regular kickin' resource parties
3. Aspire to be uber-nice (like Erin Loechner, aka the human sparkler)
– it’s so much better than the alternative

... and one more list (too long to copy and paste, but definitely worth the read)
is by Marisa on Creative Thursday.

A fantastic list of resources on Not Martha that you don't want to miss!
I hope this inspires you today! Have a super week, and
stay tuned for a fabulous giveaway!
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