Rabu, 04 November 2009

Visit the Heimbold at Sarah Lawrence

A colleague and I travelled today to Sarah Lawrence College, in Bronxville (or rather in the part of Yonkers that calls itself Bronxville), to check out a venue for a lecture series we're putting on at work, and found ourselves in the hip, lively, modern and LEED certified Heimbold Visual Art Center.

Direct sunlight angled through the windows, indirect light brightened the stairways and corridors, underground classrooms and studios were reserved for uses like darkrooms, there was plenty of bare concrete, steel, wood and cork on the floors and other surfaces, students were hanging a new show called Commercial Paper in the Barbara Walters Gallery, drawings and paintings and other student works were hanging all over -- in other words, it was a terrific sensory experience.

The building was designed by Polshek Partnership Architects and, although I wasn't taking notes, I'm pretty sure our tour guide said the firm's Susan Rodriguez headed up the project.

The lecture, by the way, will be in the Heimbold building's theatre and will feature the executive director of Slow Food USA. It's set for Thursday evening, January 28. Sign up for it, or find another occasion to visit this terrific building. -- ta

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