Selasa, 28 Maret 2006

6030 House trim complete

Our work on the house is done.

The crew finished the last of the trim this week and are now complete. There are a few outstanding items which still have to arrive - railings at the Porch Room doors, and the entry canopy. These will be installed after they arrive. The time for the build was 30 days. It was slowed by it being the first one, and by the down-slope site. Northern is confident that they can take a week off of that on an easier site.

a view from down the hill

the entry side of the house awaiting the canopy

More photos of the completed build are on the 6030 House Flickr set. Again I apologize that this page is so large with so many images, but this is the end - it won't grow much larger now.

I will post any updated images as the outstanding items are installed and anything forwarded by the owner as the interior fit-out and site work are completed. I want to thank everyone who enthusiastically followed the build and commented. We have more good things in the works and I look forward to sharing them here with you.

More info on the EcoSteel products at the EcoContempo web site.

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Senin, 27 Maret 2006

6030 House getting trimmed

The trim is nearly done.

The trimming is mostly done now and the house is really looking like itself. The horizontal band that ties the front windows together is very clear. The corners are closed up and almost all of the exposed edges of the panels are finished.

We had some recent photos at the booth for CABoom. The biggest reaction came from people when told the build began on Feb 28th.

Some close up photos of the trim and house surfaces are up on the 6030 House Flickr set. I beg your forgiveness for letting this page get so long. We are almost done however.

More info on the EcoSteel products at the EcoContempo web site.

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Minggu, 26 Maret 2006

CABoom Show FabPreFab Zone

An amazing turn out for promotion of modern prefab homes.

We just got back from the CABoom Show in Santa Monica. It really was an amazing show. A relatively small show for local modern furniture and housewares, for the first time this year had a special section for prefab homes. I am not sure if this was the first time since our little modern revolution began that prefab house vendors were brought together like this for a promotion, but I don't remember any other occasion such as this. Well, I must say that it was a tremendous success. The place was packed for the 3 days I was there for the EcoSteel booth. There were 10 vendors represented in a separate room off of the main space of the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium. Each vendor's booth was filled with inquiring visitors almost continuously for the entire time. For intervals it was just packed, several people deep with those on the perimeter listening in on the conversations going on. This was an amazing sight, so very encouraging that this whole re-modern movement is not a flash in the pan. Have no doubt that there is an interested public out there.

Of course many of the visitors were from LA, but there were many more that came from abroad, some specifically to visit this part of the show. I met several readers of this very blog who have been following the construction of the 6030 House this month.

The EcoSteel booth at the FabPreFab Zone

I really have to thank the enthusiatic visitors, especially the people that are readers here and participants at LiveModern. It was also great to meet so many of the other vendors. I met Marshall Mayer, our host here at LiveModern, in person for the first time. I also had a nice surprise in the form of a visit from Sara and David Sage who came down from their new modular home so we would have a chance to meet in person.

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Selasa, 21 Maret 2006

6030 House panels done

Panels are installed, but much trimming to do.

The roof is complete making this the end of panel installation. There are few more that will be incorporated into the canopy, but all in all the house is closed in now.

I am posting late so I won't comment. We pack for the CABoom show tomorrow, so I may only get one more update in. I'm not bringing my computer so I'm taking a little break from cyberspace for a few days! Don't email me! We will have a bunch of new images when I return.

Photos of the installation are up on the 6030 House Flickr set. I apologize that this page is getting so long to load - bad web manners. Dial-up run for your lives.

More info on the EcoSteel products at the EcoContempo web site.

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Senin, 20 Maret 2006

6030 House panels nearly done

The walls are finished, the roof well underway.

The roof is underway, and also the framing crew for the interior partitions has come and gone.

Following this the openings and corners need to be trimmed. We are in the final stretch here. I also have a few clarifications from John Stewart, our project manager in the field. He has been following the blog and providing all of the photos you have seen. John said that this homeowner has opted to drywall his interior, and you will see intermediate framing by the framing crew on top of our structural frame at the exterior walls. He also gave me the scoop on the insulation values of the installed panels: R-34 roof, R-25 walls. Both exceed code requirements.

Photos of the installation are up on the 6030 House Flickr set. I apologize that this page is getting so long to load - bad web manners. Dial-up please beware.

More info on the EcoSteel products at the EcoContempo web site.

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Jumat, 17 Maret 2006

6030 House panel progress

3 sides of the house are done now.

One more wall and then the roof will begin. They saved the easiest wall to access for last so it should go faster than the other 3.

Photos of the panel installation are up on the 6030 House Flickr set. I apologize that this page is getting so long to load - bad web manners. Dial-up please beware.

More info on the EcoSteel products at the EcoContempo web site.

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Senin, 13 Maret 2006

6030 House panels begin

The first panels did indeed go on the house today.

Garage doors were installed and base flashing as well, so panels really just begun today. Tomorrow it will continue as the sole task at hand.

Photos of today's activity are up on the 6030 House Flickr set. The page is getting quite fat so be patient while it loads. Dial-up beware.

More info on the EcoSteel products at the EcoContempo web site.

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6030 House windows complete

Let the panels begin.

We are clear to begin installing panels today. Somehow I feel like this is what everybody has been waiting for - it will really look like itself after the skin goes on and we cover up all those bones. One last look at it with all the windows in:

Photos of today's activity are up on the 6030 House Flickr set. The page is getting quite fat so be patient while it loads. Dial-up beware.

More info on the EcoSteel products at the EcoContempo web site.

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Jumat, 10 Maret 2006

6030 House windows begin

Let there be windows.

Strange as it may sound, windows go in before the walls in this house. Photos of today's activity are up on the 6030 House Flickr set. The page is getting quite fat so be patient while it loads. Dial-up beware.

More info on the EcoSteel products at the EcoContempo web site.

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Rabu, 08 Maret 2006

6030 House plywood...

The floor deck went down

The plywood floor deck went down over the past two days along with some other misc work. I have to say that these floor joists and the plywood deck were the slowest part of the build so far. The alternative of steel bar joists and steel deck would have gone in faster I am quite confident. A small observation about carpentry vs steel. Photos of today's activity are up on the 6030 House Flickr set. The page is getting quite fat so be patient while it loads. Dial up beware.

More info on the EcoSteel products at the EcoContempo web site.

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Senin, 06 Maret 2006

6030 House frame near end

The framing work is just about done.

The last of the framing work went in today - a few loose ends to finish tomorrow, but panels should begin. Photos of today's activity are up on the 6030 House Flickr set.

More info on the EcoSteel products at the EcoContempo web site.

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Minggu, 05 Maret 2006

6030 House makes time

weekend? we don't need no stinking weekend...

Apparently an EcoSteel install crew knows no rest, as these guys were out there honking steel beams in place on a beautiful saturday. Photos of today's activity are up on the 6030 House Flickr set.

More info on the EcoSteel products at the EcoContempo web site.

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Sabtu, 04 Maret 2006

6030 House roof beams and wind

The wind put a stop to roof beams but much else was done.

A few of the roof beams were placed before the wind put a stop to it. The crew turned to other pieces to be installed. Photos of today's activity are up on the 6030 House Flickr set.

More info on the EcoSteel products at the EcoContempo web site.

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Jumat, 03 Maret 2006

6030 House floor beam day

The floor beams went in today.

Today the hot-rolled steel section floor beams went up. The roof beams should be next. The light guage floor joists will follow but I am not sure where in the sequence. Photos of today's activity are up on the 6030 House Flickr set.

More info on the EcoSteel products at the EcoContempo web site.

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Rabu, 01 Maret 2006

6030 House rising

The crew gets to work on making a house.

The crew is into it now. The main frames will go in first, followed by the sub-framing. Today the first posts were lifted and temporarily bolted down until the frame is squared up and all the bolts tightened. Photos of today's activity are up on the 6030 House Flickr set.

More info on the EcoSteel products at the EcoContempo web site.

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