Selasa, 28 Februari 2006

6030 House Install update

What starts with an "S" and rhymes with Teel Delivery?

Steel is on site today and no time is to be wasted - they will stand it up tomorrow. Photos of today's delivery are up on the 6030 House progress page

More info on the EcoSteel products at the EcoContempo web site.

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Rabu, 22 Februari 2006

Arkansas Plat House in the snow

Snow fall in Arkansas makes nice scenery for the Plat House

I received some nice photos of the house in the fresh snow and I thought I would share one.

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Jumat, 17 Februari 2006

6030 House Fabrication

A peak into the panel factory.

The insulated steel panels for the Maryland 6030 House have been fabricated and are on the way to the site right now, as is the steel frame. We received some photos from the panel run and they are up on the 6030 House Flickr set.

This is where the EcoSteel Houses differ from many other prefabs. It is less of a relocation of site building techniques to a factory and more a product of a limited number manufactured components.

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