Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

Love story : Architecture's partnerships

An essay by Alexandra Lang called "Love and Architecture" caught my eye this morning. I missed it when it appeared on Design Observer last November, but was happy to catch reference to it on her blog,  A Bit Late, which I like a lot. Do check it out.

Having grown up in a household with parent who were professionals in the advertising / graphic design / illustration field, and who sometimes collaborated on projects, I've always been interested in the dynamic (and also longed for that kind of partnership – this blog and a brochure here and there are as close to that life+work partnership as it seems we'll get).

Lang is is a journalist and architectural historian living in Brooklyn. A teacher of architecture criticism at the School of Visual Arts, she's also seems to be a (Eero) Saarinen scholar, having contributed essays to Eero Saarinen: Shaping the Future (Yale University Press, 2006), the catalog accompanying the MCNY exhibition, and her manuscript, "There's No Place Like Work," includes chapters on Saarinen's designs for CBS, Deere & Co. and IBM. – GF

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