Senin, 14 Desember 2009

Architecture you can try on for a week or so

For a long time now, it's been possible to rent a historic building for a vacation or a specific event in the UK through The Landmark Trust, which aims to preserve the buildings by putting the rental proceeds toward their upkeep. They hope to promote enjoyment of historic buildings by enabling as many people as possible to experience living in them for a short time.

The people who created Living Architecture felt similarly, and that creative, Modern-influenced architecture in Great Britain was either experienced in a transitional, passing-through sort of way, or was privately owned by only a very few, inaccessible to the public.

They say about themselves: "The inspiration for Living Architecture came from a desire for people to be able to experience what it is like to live, eat and sleep in a space designed by an outstanding architectural practice.

Living Architecture has asked a series of established and emerging world-class architects to build houses around the UK. The houses will be available to rent for holidays by the general public"
The houses all seem to still be under construction, but you can follow their progress at Living Architecture's blog.  Houses are expected to be available for holiday rentals in the spring of 2010. – GF

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