Jumat, 14 Maret 2008

Tell Us What You Really Think

A few weeks ago, when I wrote about the Alice Ball House, someone submitted an anonymous comment* calling my analysis pathetic, my assertions nonsense, my conclusions claptrap, my justifications lame, and my "side-stepping lesser evilist comments about how other people have gotten away with it" smarmy. Other than that, I think he really liked the post.

Happily, all our readers aren't so crabby. The people who run Blinkdecor (and who happen to be our neighbors, in Stamford) noticed us, for example, and said nice things about us on their blog, here. Thanks! Take a look at their site, if you're unfamiliar with it.

There aren't all that many blogs that link to us, yet. Here are some that do, fyi: 100K House, eyecandy, and Green Redux.

And here are some that don't but should: Hatch (they're written nice things about us but haven't added us to their links yet), Moco Loco, Best House Design, DWR Design Notes, Grassroots Modern, Inhabitat, Land+Living, Materialicious, Midcentury Architecture. I mean, who needs a blog that links to BoingBoing and Engadget? Everybody knows those sites. Expand your horizons!

* Since everybody knows our names, I consider it my prerogative to reject mean-spirited comments from people who won't tell me theirs. -- TA

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